These wild representatives of the Herero ethnic group lead a semi-nomadic way of life and engage in cattle farming. However, their diet primarily consists of chicken, eggs, corn, and cereals. Interestingly, fish is prohibited in this tribe because, according to an ancient legend, it once saved their leader who was captured by the Portuguese many years ago.

This tribe has many remarkable customs. The prevalence of polygamy and simultaneous respect for women among the Mucubal may not be surprising compared to the fact that local women traditionally extract their lower teeth and sharpen the front ones. Another unique practice is that until the birth of their first child, couples are not allowed to speak to each other in the presence of outsiders. A man can acquire a wife by paying for her with… cows (the younger the wife, the more cows the prospective husband will have to give). The hats worn by women of this tribe are truly impressive!